Letters of Room 13

The Letters of Room 13 will grab your soul

This remarkable book engages the reader from the very beginning. Simply stated, these letters will grab your soul.  The author recounts the transformative experience of people who have occupied Room 13 of a resort/business center simply called The Centre.

All the guests of Room 13 come from different backgrounds and the experiences they undergo cause important, cathartic, life-changing changes in their lives. The changes the people undergo are painful for some, but every night in the room results in a in-depth reframing for the occupant. Each person comes to grip with an deep facet of his or her personality and finds the night metamorphic as they emerge with a new understanding of life.

In one sense, this is a fantasy since the room always appeared appointed with the furnishings, and accoutrements necessary to create the ambiance to enhance and effect the psychic change.  

The author has undoubtably performed an extensive amount of research and her clear, positive style makes it easy for the reader to understand.

I was heartened by the hint on the last page that a sequel may be forthcoming. I can’t wait!

Obviously I highly recommend everyone, regardless of their taste in books, buy and read this book.